Sunday, May 24, 2009
Wheat Day!
I need some MAN POWER to help unload the wheat. (Honestly, it's just going to be me and the truck driver guy unloading 360 buckets of wheat by hand.) If any husbands will be home Tuesday around noon, please let me know (respond to this email). We are really lucky to get this great deal...and coming to help unload some buckets is a small price to pay for the return, right? So, send me all the muscles you can!! :)
(If you let me know you can help I will call you when the truck pulls up.) Thanks!!!!
When you come to get your wheat, PLEASE check in with me (don't just take it and leave). I need to check all orders off so I don't get confused...and so I can make sure everyone takes what they ordered and there are no mistakes. Please come on Tuesday! You have all day to pick it up (until 10pm). After Tuesday I will consider it a generous donation to my own food storage (wink wink).
Please let your friends/family/neighbors who ordered wheat know that Tuesday is the day. I'm sure there will be some who don't get this message, so spread the word!
As part of our Enrichment "Food Storage Support Group" we will be holding a "Wheat for Dummies" class in June. YOU are invited! Yes, you! (Let's face it--most of us are wheat dummies. But it's time to fight back.)
What: Wheat for Dummies
When: Wednesday, June 3
Time: 7pm
Where: TBA
We will go over SIMPLE and DELICIOUS ways to use wheat in your everyday cooking, as well as demonstrate several ways to grind it (did you know there are other ways to grind wheat than just with a wheat grinder--seriously easy and affordable ways!) We will also have food samples and recipes to try, including different types of wheat bread, wheat waffles, wheat blender pancakes (yes, blender), wheat muffins (to die for), wheat cereal, and wheat cookies (to really die for--soooo yummy). It's going to be a blast!!
THANKS, and I will see you Tuesday!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
May Food Storage Shopping List
Month 4 – May 2009
”I ask you earnestly: have you provided for your family a year’s supply of food, clothing and where possible, fuel? The revelation to produce and store food may be as essential to our temporal welfare today as boarding the ark was to the people in the days of Noah.” ~Ezra Taft Benson
During your discussion this month, put together a fire resistant container with these items….
- Duplicate copies of prescriptions
- Duplicate copies of birth certificates, wills, titles, deeds, loans, patriarchal blessings, etc.
- Duplicate copies of social security numbers
- Insurance policies and numbers
- Vehicle ownership information
Talk about emergency situations. If you should happen to be separated during an emergency where would you meet? ______________ If for some reason you cannot meet at home where will you meet? Somewhere in your neighborhood? ___________________ Somewhere in your City? _____________ Somewhere in your State? _________________
What to Purchase:
* 100 lbs Wheat (approx 16 cans)
* 60 lbs Flour (approx 12 cans)
* 8 lbs Powdered Milk (approx 2 cans)
Add cold winter clothing and blankets to your storage this month
Monday, May 4, 2009
Wheat Deadline!
1) Make your checks out to me, Whitney Permann, for $16.50 per bucket (tax already included).
2) On the "for" line (bottom left), write how many buckets of each you want (for example, 2 white, 3 red)
3) Bring your money to my house by Tuesday.
Call me before you come over to make sure I am home :)
Remember: If I don't have your money by Tuesday, I cannot place your order, even if you've already told me you want some.
As for pickup, I won't know the exact date until the order is placed (I assume it will be about a week). When I know what the date will be, I will let you know and give you details about where and how to pick it up.
Let me know if you have any questions...and I'll see you (and your money) soon :)